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Curated Ear fashion trend this is how you style your ears right now

Curated Ear fashion trend: this is how you style your ears right now

Years ago, they were very popular: ears were pierced several times. That trend is now back. This is how you style the curated ear correctly.

Curated Ear - what is that? When it comes to trends in accessories, this term is on everyone's lips - or rather in everyone's ears. Because curated ears are a very special trend. It's about styling your ears.

Curated Ear - an old trend in a new guise

Curated Ear - an old trend in a new guise

Pictures of the new line, which your ears can now ride, are like a reminder of times long past. How long have you tried to persuade your parents that you are not only allowed to have holes in your earlobes, but also in other places? As early as the 1990s, it was a real highlight to have not just one ear hole on each side, but two, three, or even ten. The piercers couldn't save themselves from inquiries in the studio. At some point, however, the style was forgotten.

Style curated ear

Style curated ear

A curated ear is an ear that has numerous piercings. You are completely free to select the plugs, rings, and chains that you use here, which is exactly what makes the trend so versatile. But that's not entirely true, because there is also one or the other rule for the so-called ear party.

Avoid a mix of materials if possible

Avoid a mix of materials if possible

It can also be a little harmonious on the ear, so the first tip is: Decide on a type of metal. It can be silver or gold. You can of course also choose rose gold or use titanium.

If you would like to try a metal mix, it should be harmoniously coordinated. You need a sure instinct for this. Try yourself out in peace.

Each piercing should match the other

Each piercing should match the other

You can achieve harmony, among other things, by not simply distributing the clunkers wildly on your ear, but by making sure that the individual pieces are coordinated with one another as far as possible. Do you have a piercing with crystals or a pattern? Then take up this topic again with another earring. If you invest time and look for beautiful individual pieces that harmonize optimally, your ear will even become a real work of art.

Different shapes are welcome

Stud or creole - you don't have to make a choice here. The curated ears can have different shapes of jewelry. Moon and stars, flowers and lightning - the possibilities are particularly varied. But here, too, the color of the metal should harmonize. Maybe you even want to take up a topic? How about the zodiac signs, sun, moon, and stars on one ear are definitely an eye-catcher.

Where can the piercings actually be placed?

Where can the piercings actually be placed?

A good piercer will advise you on what options there are for the holes in the ear. In fact, the possibilities are really extensive. You can choose between the rook piercing or the helix, the tragus is also a classic that likes to be pierced. Does everything mean nothing to you? Never mind. It is always advisable to get advice from the piercer of your choice in peace and quiet and only then to make your decision.

Is it also possible without piercing holes?

Is it also possible without piercing holes?

Would you like to try out the trend, but you also know that you don't necessarily want more pierced ears? That doesn't matter, there are also enough different fake earrings that you can use. They work with magnets or hoop earrings, the size of which can be adjusted to your ear.